Nancy Feng

ASEA Triple Diamond Executive

Nancy Feng was first drawn to ASEA after being introduced to the products by a friend. She especially loved that the ASEA REDOX supplement came in a liquid form, which she found much easier to take than pills. Her results were all the motivation she needed to start her own business immediately.


“Before I joined ASEA, my whole life and identity was as a housewife,” says Nancy. “After I had my little boy, I was feeling down because my complexion was bad and I felt out of shape. After I tried the product for a few months, I noticed that I felt more energized throughout the day and slept better at night. This was really helpful as a new mom.”


Nancy was so impressed by her experience that she started sharing the products with everyone she knew, and her business took off. She loves to meet new people, so she uses her time at the gym both to take care of herself and to introduce her peers to ASEA products.


ASEA helps Nancy feel good, and as a bonus, it gives her the opportunity to make more friends. When people ask her about her youthful appearance and the ways she stays in shape, she tells them about her experience using ASEA products and the role it plays in her active lifestyle.


“My motto is, ‘This is a labor of love,'” says Nancy, “because ASEA products have the power to change people’s lives. I am honored to share that with them and help them if I can.”