Michael & Esperanza Stern
ASEA Triple Diamond ExecutiveA self-described chemistry buff, Michael earned his degree in biology and pursued research in molecular biology and organic and analytic chemistry. His introduction to network marketing over 30 years ago opened a new career path to him, and he discovered there were many benefits of working in the industry; first and foremost, he was able to meet his wife, Esperanza, a pediatric dentist and native of Mexico.
Michael has been in the networking marketing industry for over 31 years. He has successfully built distributor organizations in several companies. He has also been an advisor as well as principal and corporate executive in the networking industry. Michael Stern also holds a Bachelors Degree in Biology from UMBC and has worked in scientific and analytical research for the prestigious John Hopkins University, international chemical giants WR Grace, and Cypress Industrial Minerals. His primary areas of research were in molecular biology, biochemistry, organic and analytical chemistry. Michael spent 15 years researching alternative and energetic health related products and technology, as well running two companies focused on delivering these types of products to the alternative and integrated health care community.