Malcolm B. Sword

ASEA Ambassador Triple Diamond Executive

Before Malcolm Sword started his career in the network marketing industry in 1992, he was an efficacious financial and insurance planner. But in 2016, after suffering a setback, he found himself struggling financially. The father of eight dug deep to sustain his family. “It was important to show my children that when you get smacked down to zero, you can fight back,” he says.

Malcolm found ASEA, a company whose values and integrity motivated him to overcome his financial loss. In all of his industry experience, he had never seen a product like ASEA REDOX.  “I saw the unique nature of the technology and the potential of ASEA,” he says. After using the product, he saw an improvement in his skin and his levels of energy.

Now, after building the business steadily for two years, Malcolm is seeing the success he knew he could achieve. “When life hits you hard,” he explains, “you can make it through and rise again.” He is proud to promote products that can cause positive changes in people’s lives.

Malcolm’s success is a product of not only working hard but working on himself. He listens to audiobooks, meditates, does personal affirmations, and trusts in God—all things that helped him overcome the doubts and fears he had in the beginning. His motto is “I pray like it’s all up to God, and I work like it’s all up to me!” he says.

Although Malcolm is passionate about his ASEA business, he makes time to travel and ski with his family, and to spend time with his friends. He is living proof that success doesn’t come without overcoming a few obstacles. Ultimately, he wants to leave a legacy to his children of hard work and integrity.