Julie & Graeme Watts
ASEA Triple Diamond ExecutiveJulie Watts describes her life before joining the ASEA family as mostly busy trying to keep her head above water. She was a fully licensed real estate agent and sales manager for fifteen years, but after six years of economic downturn, she knew she needed to try something completely different.
“The economic downtown affected us in many ways,” says Julie. “Our income was substantially reduced and our portfolio had decreased in price dramatically—to the point that we could have given up and let the bank take over—but the income I earned from ASEA helped save us.”
With an attitude of ripping the band-aid off and going after her dreams, Julie now builds her ASEA business despite having no previous network marketing experience. Not only has Julie seen the financial benefits of her ASEA business; she has experienced a dramatic improvement in her skin’s appearance, as well as improvement in her sleep.
Now that she has retired from real estate to focus solely on her ASEA business, Julie enjoys traveling in her spare time. She values not only the financial freedom of her business but the freedom to choose her own hours. When she thinks about which part of ASEA has resonated most with her, she points to the ethos of putting people and principle above ego.
“Don’t let things bother you that you have no control over,” she says. “Rip the band-aid off and get it over with. This has helped me in many areas of my life over a long period of time. Don’t procrastinate, just do it!”