John & Mildren McMinn

ASEA Triple Diamond Executive

The product. That was what first captured the hearts of John and Mildren McMinn.
“We were drawn to ASEA because of ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement,” says Mildren. “Once we started supplementing with it, we could feel it supporting our health in a myriad of ways.”

Their love affair with the product quickly blossomed into a passion for the opportunity. “From the very first week of having the product, we had amazing results, so we were sure the business opportunity was a great decision,” John says.

“The timing for us was perfect,” Mildren adds. “We could see the potential. And it’s all based on a product we believe in.”

Within three weeks, the McMinns signed up 19 associates to their team. Since then, they have sustained their early enthusiasm and momentum and instilled it in their team.
Together, the McMinns build their business through weekly and monthly meetings, webinars, one-to-one meetings, Skype calls, and business lunches. Additionally, they rely on ASEA’s promotions, helping their associates qualify for ASEA incentives.

“We encourage all our team members to become independent and to structure their businesses for residual income for their long-term success,” says John. “It’s important to take it a step at a time. First, become a product of the product. Then get your business off to a solid, fast start, and focus on qualifying a level at a time. That’s how you create a steady income.”

As entrepreneurs, the McMinns say that ASEA has given them more of what they were looking for in life. “The opportunity has provided us with increased freedom and more time to spend with our children and grandchildren,” Mildren says. “As for the product, we both feel more energy, we sleep better, and we have a really good feeling of well-being.”

“We love seeing people we care about grow in the business,” John says. “There’s no greater reward.”