Ed & Rebekah Wiens
ASEA Ambassador Double Diamond ExecutiveEd Wiens followed his parents’ footsteps into a full-time ministry and mission. He began a career in network marketing, in fact, so that he could independently fund his ministry. His wife, Rebekah, worked as a civilian nurse for the U.S. Army. Together, the two have worked diligently for the spiritual and physical well-being of all they meet.
“Both Rebekah and I come from long family traditions of career service to others,” Ed says. “To find a gainful enterprise that truly rewards and empowers serving others is most fulfilling. What ASEA offers to others, physically and financially, comprises both a great gift and awesome responsibility we’ve been entrusted with.”
Recently, Rebekah underwent emergency surgery for a life-threatening brain aneurysm. “We credit ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement for supporting Rebekah’s health throughout this entire frightening emergency,” Ed says.
“Overall,” Rebekah says, “the doctors said I was in exceptionally good health and maintained good vital signs during the surgery. I had a quick and complete bounce-back from surgery, without any of the lasting symptoms common to such an invasive procedure. I feel so blessed.”
“What we do takes us all over the world,” Ed says, “blessing the lives of people just as ours have been blessed. I’ve never wanted to point to a building and say, ‘That’s where I work.’ I’ve always wanted to point to a globe and say, ‘That’s where I work.’ Our ASEA business fulfills that dream like nothing else could.”
Rebekah appreciates the benefits of ASEA. “The health-promoting products. Our overflowing financial abundance. Our time freedom. Our ability to serve others. The travel and adventure, valued friendships, compatible cultural circle, personal development, empowerment of others, worldwide connections, professional teamwork—cooperation without competition—and the global impact for good. All of it is woven into the fabric of who we are individually and together as a couple.”