Chuck & Tammi Gates

ASEA Ambassador Double Diamond Executive

Network marketing experts Chuck and Tammi Gates have seen it all before. They spent 18 years with another direct selling company and achieved much success. But things began to change, and they realized they could no longer remain with that company. They needed a new opportunity, and ASEA stood out.

Although it was a stressful time, Chuck and Tammi made the transition with the confidence that ASEA would provide them with the opportunity that they were looking for. They also had the support of our many associates, executives, and founders as they embraced ASEA and the prospect that it provided them.

“ASEA has given us the vehicle; if we get in, stay in, and never quit, we have it made!” said Tammi. And they have stuck with it since they joined back in 2009.

The Gates are adventure seekers. Tammi is a former EMT and flight medic, and she has such a love of being prepared to help people that she has kept up on her emergency response and first aid certifications.

Chuck is known for his sincerity and loves to be around people. He is happy to communicate and lauds modern technology and how it has provided him with the opportunity to cross boundaries and reach out to other people.

Together, they spend as much time as they can outdoors, and they also love to travel. Because of the flexibility that ASEA gives them, they can do the things they love and visit family across the United States much more at their leisure.

They both agree that they have not only benefitted from the ASEA compensation plan but also from the ASEA products. They feel that the longer that they use the product the better their health benefits become. They seek to use these benefits to help grow the ASEA family more each day. And the longer they work with ASEA, the more financial freedom they obtain.