
ASEA Triple Diamond Executive

Chen Chei Fong is a health-conscious alternative therapist inspired by his desire to help others. He had been a therapist for more than 30 years with the focus of utilizing natural therapies to help people achieve a healthier lifestyle. His extended knowledge made him the chairman of the health association in Taipei, Taiwan, for five years. As a businessman with a passion to improve the life of others, ASEA was about to become the answer for a better life for him and his family.

Even so, Chen found himself struggling with his own health and finances and looking for solutions. In October 2016, he was introduced to ASEA REDOX by a friend who lived in the United States. He had heard about the product before and decided to try it.  “I felt a positive difference,” he says.

Still, Chen relies on honesty. He simply shares his experience with ASEA REDOX to help people overcome any skepticism and understand what the product is and what it can do. “I allow the product to speak for itself”, he says. His story has motivated many to try the product for themselves.

Chen strongly believes in the importance of living a healthy and joyful life. Now it’s clear that ASEA was just what he needed to create a life where health, finances, and leisure time are in perfect balance.



雖然如此, 澤芳發現他在健康及財務上有些難處,他開始尋找解決的方法。在2016年十月,一位住在美國的朋友向他推薦安司雅REDOX信號分子水。 他記得他曾經聽過這個產品而當下他決定試試看。他說:「我有感覺到正面的感受。」





澤芳堅信健康及愉悅生活的重要性。 現在他清楚地知道投資ASEA 事業正是他所需的。這事業將在成為他在健康,財務以及閒置時間上的完美平衡。