Bobby and Jeri Martin have been retired from corporate America for years. They both achieved tremendous success in traditional business, acquiring significant residual
income when they sold their businesses. But what these two entrepreneurs didn’t
realize was that when they retired, their passion for connecting with and helping others would not.
Their post-retirement journey began at a Meet ASEA meeting in 2011. “We were sold on the company, the product, and our upline,” says Bobby. “It all made perfect sense. We realized that this opportunity was now our obligation.”
The Martins’ conviction about the opportunity of ASEA was strengthened by ASEA REDOX. Not only did they see the product transform their lives, but they began to see it transform the lives of those they were sharing it with.
Now retirement is the furthest thing from their minds as they build their team, develop individuals, and take ASEA REDOX to the world. This has led them to becoming Diamond Executives, and they’re not stopping there. Next up, they want to achieve Triple Diamond.
“It’s been surreal,” Jeri says. “We set the goal and consistently worked hard, but we still have to pinch ourselves.”
The Martins have successfully built both traditional and direct-marketing ventures. To succeed in ASEA, they advise associates to—
• Develop a positive attitude
• Listen to your team’s calls
• Establish and follow a daily method of operation
• Complete three personal development and three business development activities each day
• Find a mentor who is where you want to be, and follow their example
• Be accountable to your upline mentor
“Our favorite hobbies,” Jeri says, “are developing new relationships, bringing old
relationships current, and sharing ASEA Redox Cell Signaling Supplement with everyone.”
“Being involved with ASEA has made us realize that anyone can create significant residual income without the capital and experience requirements of a traditional business,” Bobby says. “Jeri and I have never felt so significant.”