Bill Chee
ASEA Diamond ExecutiveMalaysia Diamond Executive Bill Chee says he was set up for greatness from his early childhood, from a father who encouraged his entrepreneurial spirit. After starting a successful construction business, Bill still wanted to devote himself to more interpersonal pursuits.
“My motto in life has always been to live with no regrets”, says Bill, “Knowing the goodness that REDOX and the ASEA opportunity can bring to the lives of others, this is a business where the sky is the limit as long as we stay convicted with a clear purpose.”
After dealing with some personal health challenges, Bill started looking for products that would help. His wife had already heard amazing recommendations from friends about ASEA REDOX supplement and so he decided to look into it. He researched the product and redox signaling molecules and was ready to try it himself. Pleased with the benefits he experienced, he was soon after contacted by a dear friend about the ASEA opportunity and already knew it was the company for him.
Bill believes this opportunity came at just the right time. Between the need for construction dwindling and the global pandemic slowing down his workload, he was able to focus on his ASEA business and have an impact on the lives of others.
“I continue to share this product and business opportunity, daily”, says Bill, “I am optimistic that I can help my team members achieve their goals. There are not many obstacles that cannot be overcome in ASEA because the infrastructure has been tried and tested since 2010. There are so many tools, materials, information, and aids to help guide ASEA business owners as well as a community of support that is absolutely motivating.”