Anna Mayer

ASEA Double Diamond Executive

After graduating from university in Moscow, Russia with a master’s of business administration and working for the government for a few years, Anna Mayer knew she wanted something different. She decided to move to Canada with her two children and explore a new world by starting her own business.


A 15-year run with a network marketing company gave her the start she was after, but the company didn’t speak to her values. When her friends and mentors Trish and Bob Schwenkler started a business with ASEA, she was curious about joining their team. After learning about ASEA’s company ethos and culture, which exceeded that of her old company, she decided to join the team. Along the way, she liked how ASEA associates and executives supported one another and gave her the networking worldwide family that she had been searching for. Between the breakthrough technology, competent management, and unique marketing, Anna has been able to run her ASEA business with pride.


“I have a chance to make this life brighter, better, healthier,” says Anna. In her opinion, these things offer the perfect formula for success, and there are no obstacles for her business to thrive. She loves that ASEA is changing her life and the life of everyone she works with.


“ASEA fits perfectly into my lifestyle,” Anna continues, “I am able to change my life for the better every day and have the opportunity to help other people do the same. To witness them change the quality of their lives physically inspired me because we are changing together. And this gives me a happy lifestyle.”