Alan & Margaret Bishop
ASEA Diamond ExecutiveAlan Bishop’s passion to help others enjoy increased health and wellness has evolved into more than a hobby or business—it’s his lifestyle.
Alan has always enjoyed immersing himself in learning and discovering how things work. A mechanical engineer by training, he was instrumental in helping to develop robotic manufacturing equipment for Intel, and he later ran a wind-tunnel-type facility for the U.S. Navy.
His thirst for knowledge led Alan to health more than 40 years ago, and he began sharing his knowledge with those around him. He started a health-related business from home that proved to be so successful, he was able to retire from his engineering profession.
When Alan learned about ASEA REDOX, naturally the engineer side of him wanted to know more about redox signaling technology, while the entrepreneurial side of him was attracted to the business opportunity.
“The revolutionary technology, coupled with the personal testimonials of people I met was a strong incentive for me to learn more,” he says.
Alan knew that the business opportunity could only be as good as the product. “Meeting with the founders at a fly-in convinced me that this company is on solid ground,” he recalls. “I strongly identify with the concept of principle and purpose ahead of ego and economics. For me, integrity is paramount.”
ASEA was the perfect balance for Alan. In September 2012, he jumped into his ASEA journey full-time with two clear goals in mind: continue teaching people to be healthy and build a strong ASEA business.
Alan and his wife, Margaret, have been debt-free for many years, so they enjoy the opportunity to help family members financially through ASEA.
“ASEA gives me purpose,” Alan says. “Spending your life doing something that ultimately benefits other people is the most important thing you can do to make your time here significant.”