ASEA Diamond Executive在中國工作了很長時間之後,李齊丞&邱金雀了解了商業世界的全貌。 另一方面,保健品行業並不是他們高度重視的東西。 它似乎比應該的要來得複雜。 直到他找到了ASEA。
他們回憶說:“這是一個簡單易用的系統,徹底改變了我對健康的看法。” “如今,在這種共享經濟中,ASEA的理念和產品使我打造事業變得更加簡單。 就像呼吸一樣自然。”
“無論是傳統生意還是我的ASEA事業,我認為它們都是相同的。 要取得成果,需要認真工作和持續不斷的努力。 但是在ASEA,這些結果會更甜美。 感恩有此機會,我在退休時發現了更多的自信、健康和新的生活價值。
After a long career in China, 李齊丞 understood the business world inside and out. The wellness supplement industry, on the other hand, wasn’t something he held in high regard. It seemed more complex than it should be. Until he found ASEA.
“It was a simple, easy-to-use system that completely changed how I thought about wellness,” he remembers. “And today in this sharing economy, the ASEA philosophy and product make building my business even simpler. It’s as natural as breathing.”
Ten years later, 李齊丞 might still technically be “retired,” but he’s found a professional second wind, working even harder than before with a newfound product and company he believes in.
“Whether it was traditional business or my ASEA business, I see them both the same. It takes hard work and continuous, sustained effort to see results. But with ASEA, those results are sweeter. In retirement I found more confidence, health, and new life values thanks to this opportunity.